Fruitsalad, yummi!

After having a burger at the great Texas Longhorn, I weren't that hungry the rest of the day. And getting money from CSN means that I can fill my fridge with some food, finally ;D So, after spending an hour or two away shopping, I got home and made myself an awesome fruitsalad, which turned out to be my dinner...

Pomegranate, grapes, orange, cantaloupe melon, physalis, carambole, banana, apple & kiwi.

Posted by: Anonym

yam yam as the old days ?:)ENJOY

2008-11-25 @ 22:40:55
Posted by: Mathan

haha det där är sjukt avancerade saker, du får tummen upp!

2008-11-26 @ 03:46:19
Posted by: Nathalie

Haha avancerade saker? Nä nudu låter du som alla vanliga svennar! ;P

2008-11-26 @ 16:37:46
Posted by: Mathan

haha :D ok ok det ser sjukt gott ut iaf : <

2008-11-26 @ 19:14:06

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