Molde, Norway -03
Vi packade vår lilla bil smockfull med grejer och sedan bar det av på en lååång resa upp till Molde. Vi hade fått låna en stuga av en jobbarkompis till pappa. Jag fattar inte hur vi överlevde bilresan upp dit, för det var trångt och sjukligt varmt! :P

Kan du tänka dig hur det känns att vakna upp till en utsikt som den här?! Den här bilden är från vår lilla stuga som vi bodde i, mitt i en skogssluttning. Inte en enda människa runt om, bara Hurtigruten, fiskodlingar och vi.
London, UK -06
London, a great city... I really liked it for some reason. I got to climd inside a really cool castle and got a final makeover before the "Good-Bye" party. The limo was great and so was all the clothes for the evening (which I got to keep btw!). This night was probably one of the best nights in my life ever.
Paris, France -06
After loosing my suitcase once again, I had 30min before an important dinner, to find some proper clothes. 350€ later, I had something to wear at least ^^

I had the pleasure to do a photo shoot with A.Belluso and I had a great time!

After a tough day, I enjoyed a coup of the finest chocolate at a fancy restaurant on Champs Elysée
with my uncle and his wife.

This was so much fun!!! If you get the chance to try it out - do it!

I had the pleasure to do a photo shoot with A.Belluso and I had a great time!

After a tough day, I enjoyed a coup of the finest chocolate at a fancy restaurant on Champs Elysée
with my uncle and his wife.

This was so much fun!!! If you get the chance to try it out - do it!
Berlin, Germany -06
Bangkok, Thailand -06

When we arrived in Bangkok at our hotel, they welcomed us with some lovely drinks! :D

After a few hours on a Longtail Boat, I got to see something spectacular...

That Buddah was HUGE!

Elephant-tracking and a visit at a snake-farm.

Just look at it, doesn't it look amasing?!

My hotelroom and a few hours of Thaibox in 40°C :P

The best bar EVER - BedSupperClub!!! Havn't been to anything like it since...
Kuala Lumpur In Ze Malaysia -06
Taman Negara in Malaysia -06
After being on the bus for over six hours in the middle of the freaking rain forest, we finally arrived at what I thought was suppose to be a five star hotel (I had overheard the others talking about a luxurious and fancy hotel)... but hell no! After carrying my suitcases down a numerous of stairs, walked over a slippery beach of stones covered with alga, I realized that I had to put 'em into a boat which would take me across a river bank and then carry them all the way up the same amount of stairs again!!!

What do you like our five star hotel? :P

Aren't they the cutest thing!?

I entered a small cave with a small flashlight. I suddenly heard a lot of small squeaks which made me look up into the sealing... omg!

After an entire day of walking in the rain forest with a climb of almost 500m vertically (!!!) this was the reward! ;)
Tokyo, Japan -06

I visited a Saké-factory. Too bad the guide didn't say a word in english...

I also got a ride at Tokyo Car Convention, which I loved! The other girls thought
it was a waste of time, but hey... I had a great time ;)

I got Samurai training from the guy who taught Uma in Kill Bill, he's the one making her
the sword ;D That was pretty cool I must admit!

I also got dressed up as a Harajuku girl by one of the top make-up studios in entire Tokyo!
This is one of the best things that I've ever experienced!!!
Shenzhen, China -06
After getting over the borders to Shenzhen, there was a big surprise waiting for us ;)
Hong Kong -06
One of my favourite cities around the world so far, is Hong Kong. It's an awesome place with loads of strange food and even more strange buildings! After losing my passport I learnd a lot about myself ^^ I was alone in Asia, in a country where they, believe it or not, hardly speaks any english... But I made it out of there to continue my journey! :D
Los Angeles, USA -06
It was time for a stop in the city of angels - Los Angeles :D I loved the stuff I got to do over there - paintball, met Won-G, got turned into a cartoon character, walked the Venice Beach and a lot more!!!
Las Vegas, USA -06
The next stop I made was in Sin City - Las Vegas! OMG what an insane city! Blippblippbloppblopp everywhere and being in my best years (19 years old... hmm)
I was to young to actually even be in a casino :(
But hey... 9/11- five years on the day, I jumped out of an airplane 3200m up in the sky and skydived for the ground! It was the freaking best thing EVER!!! I also got the chance of attending a movie premiere along with Ben Affleck, and I also met Mike Tyson ^^ Scary I must admit! I even got the chance of leaving the Strip for a night out on a ranch.
I was to young to actually even be in a casino :(
But hey... 9/11- five years on the day, I jumped out of an airplane 3200m up in the sky and skydived for the ground! It was the freaking best thing EVER!!! I also got the chance of attending a movie premiere along with Ben Affleck, and I also met Mike Tyson ^^ Scary I must admit! I even got the chance of leaving the Strip for a night out on a ranch.
New York, USA -06
I headed for the Big Apple and one of the cities I've wanted to visit for some time - New York! After being on the flight for aprox 9h (thank god for the private screens and option to choose a movie of my own choise) I wanted to drop dead in my bed, but there was no time for that ;) Time to enjoy life!
Paris, France -06

Dortmund, Germany -06
And then I'm back again with some pictures from my time in Dortmund, Germany :D It was funny believe it or not, but it was cold like hell!!!
The Netherlands -06
The next stop I made was in Utrecht. Wierd place where everyone seemed to be high om something and I think even I got a dose of drug smoke pollution ^^ Tthere was something not all okey on our way back to Sweden, as the pics will tell you :P
Barcelona, Spain -05
This is from my trip to Barcelona in April, 2005 :) It's an awesome city with loads of cool buildings!

Thailand -02
I've been getting quite a few questions about why I'm having my blog written in english, and the simple reason for that is that I've met alot of people (nowadays my friends) while I've been traveling. So, I've decided to share some pictures from my travels abroad, starting with the one to Thailand in 2002 :)