Give me some ideas, plz...
Hmm... I'm out of ideas. I'm tired of the same drinks and cocktails that I always mix together and I need some new recipes. Got any tips?
Not the best picture, but have a look of what's in my bar and see if I have what's needed. Hand over some new lip-smacking recipes so that I can pretend to be a brilliant bartender when everybody is back in town! :D
dagens tips från gårdagens kväll på stan är en GT med två sockerbitar hahah :D
jamen vad är en GT då? :P
Gin & Tonic is my guess. :P
Never spent much time on a bottle of Ouzo 12 and shot it just as it is, in moderation ;)
Ofc, you do need to like strong liqorice/anis. =D
Believe me after you've finished your math work from the before article just drink a bottle of Vodka and everything will be better.
Perso, i don't really like cocktails or softdrink : i think pure alcohol is way better and its better for your stomac xD
Haha du är störd :D
Hahaha that was my plan DeLeO, but I would rather not have to spend the night at the hospital, so I'm sticking to some sleek drinks ;) Im just telling the bartender: "Hey! I want ehmm, a... a green drink!" and I have NO IDEA what's in it :P