Oh, the sun do exist!
Now, this is the kind of weather that I wanna wake up to! The sun is shining, there's not a single cloud up in the sky, I'm not tired and I'm about to enjoy my breakfast while watching an episode of Life.
Then later on ofc it's time to study some Computer Graphics and math again... So, so much for this lovely day ^^
Btw... SMHI got it wrong, wrong and WRONG... once again! ^^
Cloudy here in Linköping, sorry to say it might cloud your day...which I personally don't mind, having yet another 16h pass of studying to do. :l
Building up quite the cramp in my right hand, wish I could alternate hands. Maybe something to spend time learning this fall. :P
Computer Graphics sounds fun, but what do you actually do on that course. :D
Have a good day!
aa det behöver jag :|
fattar ingenting ;/ kan komma på msn senare idag? :D
Haha och ang. handfatet, det undrade jag också när jag stod där alldeles yrvaken och hade tappat en ansiktskräm i handfatet.. att den kan gå rakt igenom?? Det undrar jag än idag, jag frågade hyresgästen om det inte handlar om slitage på handfatet, att det faktiskt är gammalt men tydligen inte, det var jag som har skadat deras handfat och var tvungen att ersätta det vilket jag nu då gjorde... Lägenheterna byggdes runt 70-talet och har inte blivit rustade sedan dess i badrummet, slitage? "NEJ"
The1dle - You were right ^^ Jiiiikes, I was out walking when the rain hit me like lightning :P It's the same shitty weather today, but like you said, I won't mind it since I'm going to be in school anyway... I have to see all the newbies running around not knowing what to do! Hihi ;)
Well, comp.graphics... You're coding your own polygons etc to build pretty much any kind of 3D-stuff, moving and rotating them etc. That's when you're good at it :P which im not!!!