After a cold day...

… I'm finally enjoying a hot glass of mulled wine.




It's been a long day, and a stressful day. I got up around 06:30, and headed to school for the last lecture of Linear Algebra.

Then it was time to get a hold of my car and get it to a workshop. Well, for some stupid reason, FORD has a removable tow loop, which ofc, the previous owner had thrown away or something ^^ Cause I sure as hell didn't have it. After dragging my friends all over town more than once and twice, we finally got to borrow a tow loop and we could tow my car to the workshop. Do I really have to tell you, how freaking cold it was while muck all things up!!!

Back to school to attend a mandatory lab session in physics for four hours, 15:00-19:00. Thank god, we finished a bit earlier and took Blondies car to Ingelsta to fill my fridge.

But now I'm sitting here, in my sofa – watching Fringe. We've heated the mulled wine which we're enjoying with some saffron sponge-cake, so I'll get back to that now I think ;)

Posted by: Fli

Dricka glögg med musik från din dubbeljulskiva spelades i bakgrunden eller varför inte sittandes under en filt kikandes på nu är det jul igen? Ah ljuva minnen från jul hos släpvagnen :P

2008-12-04 @ 23:39:00
Posted by: Mathan

låter inte helt illa tbh :D saffranssockerkaka :D haha låter helt fel :D

2008-12-05 @ 14:31:35
Posted by: Nathalie

Nämen Fli då :D Du måste ju komma ner å hälsa på, så bjuder jag på glögg å allt vad som hör till!!!

2008-12-05 @ 18:01:56
Posted by: Ann

Eller hur 49 kronor är ju ingenting :P

2008-12-05 @ 18:31:33

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