I love candles!
It's finally the first of advent, and I've finally had the permission to get all my decorations down from the attic. My parents visited me over the weekend and we had a great time, even thought it went past pretty fast. After heading to town for some shopping (all I found was a toque and some stuff for my apartment), we ended up at Highlander Inn, as always, and the food was great! Thanks mom and dad!
Today we headed out to Ingelsta and Blomsterlandet, a great place with way too much stuff that I really really want! And the best part today? The served mulled wine!!! God, it was so good that I had like three cups of it :D
Later in the evening, after my parents had helped me carry up some flowers that I had bought, my Blondie came over and we had some tacos for dinner. As I'm writing this, he's playing Resident Evil, cult! That game is just awesome! But, I think there will be a game or two of Super Mario @ Nintendo 64 before bedtime ;)
Everything is just so..... sigh
I'd better eat my breakfast and get going... I'm suppose to listen to some crappy math-dude while he's babbling about linear algebra. I DON'T WANT TO!!!
Fruitsalad, yummi!

Pomegranate, grapes, orange, cantaloupe melon, physalis, carambole, banana, apple & kiwi.
And now it's snowing!
When I spoke to my dad yesterday he asked me if it had started snowing yet. I just giggled a little and said “Nah dad! The sky is freezing blue and pink... I don't think we'll get any snow around here" . But when I woke up this morning around 06:30, I looked out my window and said “Wow! It's snowing”, and then I fell back to sleep... By this time I don't think I was actually awake :P Cause when I woke up the next time, I had dreamed about snow etc, which lead to the same snowy chock again! “It really IS snowing!!!” :D
Does this mean that I can get all my candlesticks and advent decorations now?! Plz say yes!!!
A students advantage ;)

You know... One of the good things being a student is all the different kind of advantages that follows with it.
Well, I won't say that fun all the time, especially not last evening, which I spent at home in front of my computer writing some stupid physics report. I'm still doing the same thing tonight, but (!!!), I got my friend with me ;) A glass of Baileys Caramel with a splash of Minttu.
And the best part? I don't even had to defend it (some might think I'm strange, having a glass alone.. but they wouldn't understand fine liquor even if it was thrown at 'em), I'll just say - “Hey, I'm celebrating, it's just one week left until the first of advent!” ... Cause you all know the big secret, the red thread being a student, right? Every day there's a reason to celebrate something = having a drink or two... or three! ;) Enjoy your upcoming week! Make sure you celebrate something!
Nothing in my fridge!
Well, I got up around 08, started my computer and looked through a few homepages as I always do. And then I realized that the clock was running away from me, so I went out in the kitchen to fix myself some breakfast. I had bread and egg.. But nothing to drink nor sandwich-spread... Off to the store I guess!!
And this is the result ;D
Something is missing.
Yeah, someone is missing... Usually there's something going on at my place every Friday, but not today, kinda sad actually. My Blondie is home, somewhere up in the snowy woods, to play a gig and feel cool with my extremely and very hardcore leather metal bracelet ;)
Emil came over with a grocery bag filled with some pepper beef, potatoes, salad, grapes, kiwis, feta cheese, mushrooms, melon, juice etc... An entire dinner, really sweet :) We watched Idol (Kevin is really good, I have to admit that) and then we finished off with the last hour of “Oh brother where are tho!?” Strange movie...

The alarm is set for tomorrow – 08:00, and then I'm headed to school... yes, I know, on a Saturday. But I have a group project that has to be finished before Friday next week. I doubt we'll get a good grade in this course, but Jenny and I will do our best tomorrow, the guys in the group will do their thing later on next week. Then there's a report that I'll have to hand in before 10:00 on Tuesday, an English report in a physics course... And then there's the math ^^ Sigh...
Just a few more weeks, then I'm finally off on a needed break! I can't wait!!! Hopefully I'll have a chance to try to get myself down a ski slope, all in one piece that is, on a snowboard. I've tried it twice before, and lets just say that I looked like the Swedish flag all over my ass!
Bangkok, Thailand -06

When we arrived in Bangkok at our hotel, they welcomed us with some lovely drinks! :D

After a few hours on a Longtail Boat, I got to see something spectacular...

That Buddah was HUGE!

Elephant-tracking and a visit at a snake-farm.

Just look at it, doesn't it look amasing?!

My hotelroom and a few hours of Thaibox in 40°C :P

The best bar EVER - BedSupperClub!!! Havn't been to anything like it since...
And it's snowing :)

As I was walking back home from school for the second time today, it started to snow... And now there are huge flakes falling down outside the window. Im sitting in bed, with a bag of candy and are just enjoying the fact that I'm allowed to stay inside when the weather is the way it is ;)
I think the exam went pretty good. 4 questions each worth 6p. I answerd them all, exept two part questions. A few mistakes should cost me not more than 6p, which means that I should get 3p extra (max) for my real exam :) Congratz to meee!!
Wish me luck!

It's all about math...
It's getting freakishly cold outside, and I hate it. Cold weather is okay when there's snow, but there's none atm :P And I'm feeling sick, nothing on the upside... Sad but true! Hmm, something positive... I can't come up with ANYTHING! I'll have a cookie instead.
What are you up to this week? And are there anything on the positive side in your case? :D
... and still goin'

Work = Needed $$$
Gosh, I'm so tired... I've been working this weekend. On Friday I worked from 12:00-24:00 and today I worked from 11:00-19:00. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be standing for 12 hours straight?!
Wanna know something cute, my blondie cleaned my apartment and started with dinner along with our friends while I was on my way home from work! Since we missed our regular Friday-pizza we baked it today instead :D And I think there will be a few nice cocktails along with some Buzz! I'm hoping to get the lads to Manésa later tonight, but I think that's a long shot tho :/
Fundamentals of Physics
The bookstore at school, which was suppose to have the same amount of books as there was students taking the course, sold out the very first day they got 'em, and left numerous of students without. I've counted the problems that should have been solved up untill this week - and there are 103 of them... Time to work I guess... I'm f**cked!!!

Kuala Lumpur In Ze Malaysia -06
A week from hell!

Jesus... the past few days has been from hell! I haven't had any money at all since Friday, and you wanna know why? I don't know if I should laugh or cry about it tbh, but for some reason there has been a double transaction pay from my account of my oven. Well, Elgigantan doesn't take any responsibility of what's happened, and at first they blamed my bank, which sent me back to Elgiganten ofc... The second time around they blamed VISA, who they said had been having some trouble and that my money should be back within a few days.
During these days, there's been quite a large sum showing a negative amount of money on my account, which means that the my bank will claim an interest fee of 95;-/day (and that's money I won't get back, since no one is taking the responsibility of what's happened to me). Thanks to all this, I haven't been able to pay my bills and they will also claim an interest fee of course...
And as if this wouldn't be enough shit for this month, I got a parking ticket singed by a meter maid, who had said to me not to worry tonight, cause he wasn't about to sign a ticket for my car anyway. So... I of course, took my time while I was up in my apartment getting some money to pay with. But I promise you, it didn't even take 10min before I was down at my car again, but guess what I saw.... A FUCKING TICKET!
A drink anyone?
This weekend has been all about cocktails and food ^^ It's tough being a student around Halloween! Once again, as the regulars we've become, we headed to Pappa Grappa and Manesa. For some reason I was the slow one yesterday, and when the others had finished their first drink, I wasn't even half the way on mine :P Anyway, we decided to bring in a monster, a huge cocktail with Planter's Punch... Damn, it was soooo good!!!
Taman Negara in Malaysia -06
After being on the bus for over six hours in the middle of the freaking rain forest, we finally arrived at what I thought was suppose to be a five star hotel (I had overheard the others talking about a luxurious and fancy hotel)... but hell no! After carrying my suitcases down a numerous of stairs, walked over a slippery beach of stones covered with alga, I realized that I had to put 'em into a boat which would take me across a river bank and then carry them all the way up the same amount of stairs again!!!

What do you like our five star hotel? :P

Aren't they the cutest thing!?

I entered a small cave with a small flashlight. I suddenly heard a lot of small squeaks which made me look up into the sealing... omg!

After an entire day of walking in the rain forest with a climb of almost 500m vertically (!!!) this was the reward! ;)