Cleaning lady!

Ohhh I'm sooo good! :P Yesterday afternoon and evening was well spent, if you think cleaning is a good was to spend your day. But you know what, I didn't mind actually... I even was in such a good cealning mood, that I changed curtains :P

The rest of the late evening was spent on the movie Wanted, starring Angelina Jolie. Good movie I must say with a great twist in the end, twice the appellation ;D

It's just 5 weeks left untill it's the first of advent. I feel the christmas spirits invading :P And I've alread started listening to x-mas songs ^^ Sad, I know... But I'm longing for all the candles and the different smells!

Posted by: Liza

Ojoj tjejen! Tjusigt värre :D

2008-10-20 @ 13:00:30
Posted by: moa

Oh va snyggt! jag har börjat lyssna på JUL musik med:) det är så mysigt :D

2008-10-20 @ 17:58:38
Posted by: Ann

Det ser ut som att vi skulle behöva städa undan lite flaskor... men jag kan hjälpa dig med det så du slipper bära det tunga ansvaret själv :P

2008-10-20 @ 18:54:11

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