Does it show?
I don't know if it shows, but I've been having a few days off from school now, during the exams. I'll be back at school on thursday, but the sad part is that I'm bored as hell. There's nothing to do when I don't have to do school-stuff! Maybe that's why there been such a rush here on my blog with new posts :P
Anyway, sitting here and being bored, after doing my laundry and cooked some food, I looked through my mobile and the pictures. Here's a few of them from the past few month:
At a supermarket in Germany --- A Lambo outside my work! <3
At school studying for an exam... I think my facial expression says it all ^^
Pic from my car from Norrköping to Degerfors --- My turtles!!!
Strawberries at my balcony --- PINGU-drink --- Blue Anemorte outside my appartment
Winter fruit sallad VS Summer fruit sallad <3
Anyway, sitting here and being bored, after doing my laundry and cooked some food, I looked through my mobile and the pictures. Here's a few of them from the past few month:
At a supermarket in Germany --- A Lambo outside my work! <3
At school studying for an exam... I think my facial expression says it all ^^
Pic from my car from Norrköping to Degerfors --- My turtles!!!
Strawberries at my balcony --- PINGU-drink --- Blue Anemorte outside my appartment
Winter fruit sallad VS Summer fruit sallad <3
Posted by: Erika
Fina och roliga bilder =)
Posted by: Ann
Röda pluttar i ena och gröna i andra... passionsfrukt ja, men vad är det andra?
Posted by: Carolina
Svar: Haha, precis. Men djur har faktiskt den överlevnadsstrategin att de alltid äter bara det godaste först. Och så gör jag med :D
Posted by: tildaah*
Svar; aah värkligen ;D
Posted by: tildaah*
Svar; Hihii jaoo (: Hörru har bråttom hinner inte skriva just nu >.< Hejjs
Posted by: Ann
Ahaa :)
mmh, eller hur, tokigt tidigt att behöva gå iväg och jobba... var som lite trött. Men fördelen är att jag redan har slutat för dagen :)