Road trip!
Did everybody remember to turn back the clock an hour? I sure did this time :P Thank good it's not Monday or Tuesday, otherwise it would have been a bitch to get up and out of bed!
I didn't have anything planned for today, not until last night when a friend from school asked me if he and his girlfriend could borrow my car and I, to get another kitty. Ofcourse(!), I said when I just had to drive them to Söderköping (14km from here)... But it turned out that we're off on a short roadtrip, approx 65km from here... :P So, I'm off picking them up around 09:30!
My Cougar V6 - wr0m wr0m!!! ;D
What are your planes for the day? Tell me :D
Åh du får sno med dig en katt du också :D
Du börjar väl lära dig att laga trasig tapet iallafall så :P Äsch, klart du ska ha en katt!
Jag har en ny utmaning till dig... :P