Come and play us!

Ok... I just saw episode 8 from Play US, when we're in Berlin, Germany. Embarrassing... So freaking embarrassing! We're trying to sing ^^ HAHA and NO ONE of us even has the slightest talent what so ever when it comes to actually hit even one note ^^ Though, we're experts of coming up with new and unexplored ones :P


Les Seules - Come and play us

Prepped up for the moment,

all braced and fitted out

The brightest kind of brain,

with a stable blood supply.

Every cell in our body is clear on what it's all about

All energized and focused,

you're about to find out why

Come and play us

Co's we won't back down

Come and play us

There's no way around

Started out as automations,

thinking how instead of why

As fit as any badass jock,

as cunning as any guy

Around the world in double time,

put together by the best

Bet your ass we're gonna kick it,

you might as well get dressed

Come and play us

Co's we won't back down

Come and play us

There's no way around

Posted by: DeLeO

at least you've tried ^_^

2008-08-06 @ 11:35:55
Posted by: Anonym

Gillar eran sång :) Kollar på er nu :o @ mtv. Önskar er lycka till!!

2008-08-10 @ 20:32:33
Posted by: Nat0

Haha tackar ;) Vi är sååå grymma! ehm...

Kul att du kollar på avsnitten! Något favoritavsnitt kanske? :D

2008-08-10 @ 22:06:55

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