Another great bargain!

Well... It's not everyday that you find me walking around this town, but today we headed down without even a thought of finding anything. Last time I was here, I found an entire set of wonderful little liqueur glasses (I think they are at least).

This time, I found six champagne glasses (again I just think they are ^^) from Pukeberg. I had no idea what brand that was, and I thought that 50;- each was a bit expensive, so I got 'em all for 200;- Pretty good I think, don't you?

The man however, who sold 'em to me, weren't that happy about the prize. He told me, that if I ever needed money, I could easily sell them for twice or even three times the money... I thought he was just another greedy sales man, but oh dear was he right!!! The glass below is a wine glass from Pukeberg...



So, what do you think? Didn't I do a super duper great bargain!?

6 glasses 200;- or 1 glass 300;- ^^

Posted by: Ann

Haha det låter som ett fynd bara du kan göra :D

2008-12-27 @ 15:54:35
Posted by: Mimmi

svar: Tack detsamma, bättre sent än aldrig ;)

Haft en bra jul?

2008-12-27 @ 17:18:21
Posted by: Sandra

Det är klart :) Det är juh du som är med i det där programet på mtv :D Du lär juh vara ganska mycket duktigare än mig på cs, har bara spelat ungefär ett år nu :)

2008-12-28 @ 18:57:03
Posted by: N

ÅÅh, snygga!

2008-12-29 @ 12:09:32

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