High-Speed-Living - 2005
It was a while ago since I graduated and got thrown out into the real life... Ewh, that makes me sound old, but I can honestly say that it feels like way more than three years ago! It's been three high-speed-living years tbh... I've managed experience quite a lot of things which most people wont even live through their entire life. It all started because of the game Counter-Strike, and I want to show you guys my story up until now :D
Let's start with my graduation year - 2005.
It all started with a LAN called Optihack. I went to Gothenburg to meet up with two of my team mates - Ann and Linda from SWW. We didn't compete or anything like that, just talked to a few potential sponsors.
My team and I - SWW, had just sealed a deal with one of Scandinavia's most famous online computer store, datorbutiken.com . So we headed down to their stockroom in Staffanstorp for a get-together and LAN-party! To our surprise, when we arrived to their warehouse, there were five sponsored computers waiting for us! ;)
My team and I went to Stockholm and Inferno Online for a boot camp to practice for an event in Spain.
Time for CPL Barcelona, Spain - the biggest and the most prestigious competition in the world at that time. This was out first LAN-event EVER, and we didn't do that good :P However, we finished 5-8th place. Datorbutiken.com sponsored our trip. (Notice the lovely colour in the bathroom, we got the handicapped-sign a few seconds too late....)
Just 5 days after we got back home from CPL Barcelona, we planned to participate in the tournament at RixHack in Gothenburg, but we ended up just going there and having a good time with some old friend instead!
The 10th I finally graduated and some of my closest friends showed up and surprised me! We had a great time barbequing, drinking wine and having a bunch of laughs!
We packed our equipment and headed to Jönköping and Dreamhack. We participated in the ESWC-quali but ended at 5th place... Haha not good, but we had a lot of fun with our friends!
SWW picked up another sponsor - insancecaps.com and had a photo shoot with their stuff.
Time for the second SWW-db LAN to take place. Even more people joined up this time. We arranged a tournament with actual prices, played poker, barbequed in one-time-grills ^^ and ofc had a few drinks too much ;P
After changing team to EYEABLLERS, my new team and I had to practice for the Female Tournament at Dreamhack Winter. Time for another boot camp!
After competing against the world best female team and beating them 3/3 matches, we won the tournament and got our self a lot of stuff for our computers. "EYE IS LIFE!!! NaNaaaNaNaNaa" Remember? ;)
Hang in there, there's more to come in just a day or two... Then it's time for 2006 ;)
Gud så roligt att se, mer sånt! Good times! :D
Visst är det! Massor med minnen :D
"EJÄBÅ... ÄJBO, EYBÅ...." for life! ^^
looks like you had such an awesome time!
åhhh sakna