Lill' Friday!

It's been a while since I had time to write anything here. I've been kinda busy a few days with nothing and everything. I've been looking for this book that we need for our physics course – Fundamentals of physics 8th Edition and it's almost impossible to find it. The few ones that the school sold disappeared faster than lightning, so yesterday I skipped a class and headed to town to look for it. In of book stores they sold it, for f**king 1799;- !!! HELL NO! So I headed to the next place who also sold it (but with at least 2 weeks delivery) with student reduction, now it won't cost more than 500;-

Anyway, today I'm school free :P At least on the schedule... So yesterday I headed out with Blondie and his friend for some pizza and a finishing drink at Manésa! Ooops...


Posted by: Ann

Skönt att du har en ledig dag :)

När har du nästa lediga helg?

2008-10-29 @ 13:38:08
Posted by: moa

Det är att vara bortskämd:) vilken tur du har som blir bjuden av Blondie EL....

2008-10-29 @ 17:45:18
Posted by: Liza

Mhhh håller med! Fast, man ska bli bortskämd ibland... Jag bjuder ju igen honom på nåt annat sätt sen! :P

2008-10-29 @ 18:30:56
Posted by: Nathalie

#2 & #3 - Haha om det ändå vore så :P

2008-10-29 @ 18:45:49
Posted by: moa

Va? blev du inte bjuden?

2008-10-29 @ 20:42:24
Posted by: Nathalie

Haha nej! Men jag är en tjej som tar hand om sig själv ;D

2008-10-30 @ 13:53:30

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