-20°C and sparkling snow!

As I woke up this morning, after having a really good nights sleep, I realized that cold weather would last for another day or two!


After being good students for merely an hour, we decided to head outside for a walk in the wonderful weather. I didn't wanna make the same mistake as I always do when I'm off to someone or some place, you know, when you're leaving and realize that you haven't taken a single picture. So I took my camera and manage to take a few (some of the really good) snapshots... Enjoy!


A wonderful day!

Yesterday I packed my suitcase and bags, stuffed them into my car and headed to Malung and my Blondie! Less than three hours later I parked the car outside their house, yeeey! After making myself at home, throwing my clothes everywhere, we just enjoyed the evening :)


When I woke up this morning for the 11th time or something like that, I watched the thermometer..Well, after spending some time at home, where the winter seems to have disappeared, it brings a smile to my face when I say that the sun shining, there's not a single cloud up in the sky and it's still -20°C outside :D


Now it's X-mas 4 real!

Just another day of studies.

I've been home for a few days and I'm already getting nervous about the exam in January. I've decided to get some math done today so that I don't loose focus... But it's kinda hard tbh since it's Christmas and everything that follows with it. A few days ago it was boxes everywhere and today there will be fooooood everywhere! But I'll try to find some space to spread all my books and hopefully I'll be smarter at the end of the day!!


The picture btw is from our breakfast this morning, nice huh? :D






Tons and tons of food!

Holy crap, what a day! We've been out shopping for x-mas food all day, like the rest of village ^^ People everywhere! Back and forward all day... Now we have food for the rest of the year!

I also got a new hard drive... Well, I got to change my old one since it's been acting kinda strange lately. The funny part is that I didn't have to show any kind of receipt. I just told 'em my problem and he handed me a new one and told me to get back to him with my old one whenever I wanted pretty much :P Sometimes it's nice when people recognize you, don't you think? :)

Driving home for x-mas!

After spending the entire morning cleaning out my apartment, the lads finally showed up at my door and it was time to go home :) I hate to tell you, but the pic of my stuff doesn't show everything that was _pressed_ into my car :P

And it sure doesn't look like it's just a few days untill x-mas day...
From the pics it seems like any other day in october :/

Transition over night...

Soon it's X-mas!

It's finally over... time for a few weeks away from school, even though it wont be without studying. The 12/1 I'm having another math exam, so I'll have to study during x-mas.

Since I spent my birthday at school trying to get somewhere with a DVD-menu (which had to be handed in today) we decided to make up for it tomorrow instead. Why? Well, since the lads had a physics exam today, they had to study for it during the week. And since we're all going home for x.mas we also wanted to do something a little bit more special. What it's going to be however, I don't know ^^

15 december

Happy birthday to Me. Happy birthday to Meee....
Happy birthday dear sweetie! Happy birthday to Meeeee!!!

Someone has to wake me up with a song right, might aswell be me :P


What the **** is wrong with her?!

After a cold day...

… I'm finally enjoying a hot glass of mulled wine.




It's been a long day, and a stressful day. I got up around 06:30, and headed to school for the last lecture of Linear Algebra.

Then it was time to get a hold of my car and get it to a workshop. Well, for some stupid reason, FORD has a removable tow loop, which ofc, the previous owner had thrown away or something ^^ Cause I sure as hell didn't have it. After dragging my friends all over town more than once and twice, we finally got to borrow a tow loop and we could tow my car to the workshop. Do I really have to tell you, how freaking cold it was while muck all things up!!!

Back to school to attend a mandatory lab session in physics for four hours, 15:00-19:00. Thank god, we finished a bit earlier and took Blondies car to Ingelsta to fill my fridge.

But now I'm sitting here, in my sofa – watching Fringe. We've heated the mulled wine which we're enjoying with some saffron sponge-cake, so I'll get back to that now I think ;)

My car is dead... :(

Yesterday when we were about to take my car to school, it didn't start. The battery was dead. So, later on yesterday afternoon we headed to Blondie to get his car, so that we could get my car started again. After a few tries we finally got it started but meanwhile Blondie was parking his car, mine died again! We started it again and I've never been out of the parking lot that fast ^^ My plan was to get the car out on the highway, but we just made it past a traffic-light and then it died while I was driving on the road!? I JUST made it (rolling with a dead car) to a parking lot, where it's still parked as I write this...

Everything is just so..... sigh

This is one of those days when everything just feel like shit again. I don't wanna get out of bed, I don't wanna drag my ass to school, I don't wanna do anything except staying in bed doing nothing else but sleep. I don't know... it just feels like everything is against me this fall, nothing is going my way and nothing funny is happening at all!

I'd better eat my breakfast and get going... I'm suppose to listen to some crappy math-dude while he's babbling about linear algebra. I DON'T WANT TO!!!

And now it's snowing!

When I spoke to my dad yesterday he asked me if it had started snowing yet. I just giggled a little and said “Nah dad! The sky is freezing blue and pink... I don't think we'll get any snow around here" . But when I woke up this morning around 06:30, I looked out my window and said “Wow! It's snowing”, and then I fell back to sleep... By this time I don't think I was actually awake :P Cause when I woke up the next time, I had dreamed about snow etc, which lead to the same snowy chock again! “It really IS snowing!!!” :D


Does this mean that I can get all my candlesticks and advent decorations now?! Plz say yes!!!

Something is missing.

Yeah, someone is missing... Usually there's something going on at my place every Friday, but not today, kinda sad actually. My Blondie is home, somewhere up in the snowy woods, to play a gig and feel cool with my extremely and very hardcore leather metal bracelet ;)

Emil came over with a grocery bag filled with some pepper beef, potatoes, salad, grapes, kiwis, feta cheese, mushrooms, melon, juice etc... An entire dinner, really sweet :) We watched Idol (Kevin is really good, I have to admit that) and then we finished off with the last hour of “Oh brother where are tho!?” Strange movie...


The alarm is set for tomorrow – 08:00, and then I'm headed to school... yes, I know, on a Saturday. But I have a group project that has to be finished before Friday next week. I doubt we'll get a good grade in this course, but Jenny and I will do our best tomorrow, the guys in the group will do their thing later on next week. Then there's a report that I'll have to hand in before 10:00 on Tuesday, an English report in a physics course... And then there's the math ^^ Sigh...

Just a few more weeks, then I'm finally off on a needed break! I can't wait!!! Hopefully I'll have a chance to try to get myself down a ski slope, all in one piece that is, on a snowboard. I've tried it twice before, and lets just say that I looked like the Swedish flag all over my ass!

And it's snowing :)

As I was walking back home from school for the second time today, it started to snow... And now there are huge flakes falling down outside the window. Im sitting in bed, with a bag of candy and are just enjoying the fact that I'm allowed to stay inside when the weather is the way it is ;)

I think the exam went pretty good. 4 questions each worth 6p. I answerd them all, exept two part questions. A few mistakes should cost me not more than 6p, which means that I should get 3p extra (max) for my real exam :) Congratz to meee!!

It's all about math...

I'm sad to say it... but today, aswell as yesterday, is all about math. I have a small exam tomorrow where I can collect some bonus points for the real exam in december. I really want to finish this course, so that I can continue with the next ones ^^

It's getting freakishly cold outside, and I hate it. Cold weather is okay when there's snow, but there's none atm :P And I'm feeling sick, nothing on the upside... Sad but true! Hmm, something positive... I can't come up with ANYTHING! I'll have a cookie instead.

What are you up to this week? And are there anything on the positive side in your case? :D

A week from hell!



 Jesus... the past few days has been from hell! I haven't had any money at all since Friday, and you wanna know why? I don't know if I should laugh or cry about it tbh, but for some reason there has been a double transaction pay from my account of my oven. Well, Elgigantan doesn't take any responsibility of what's happened, and at first they blamed my bank, which sent me back to Elgiganten ofc... The second time around they blamed VISA, who they said had been having some trouble and that my money should be back within a few days.



During these days, there's been quite a large sum showing a negative amount of money on my account, which means that the my bank will claim an interest fee of 95;-/day (and that's money I won't get back, since no one is taking the responsibility of what's happened to me). Thanks to all this, I haven't been able to pay my bills and they will also claim an interest fee of course...


And as if this wouldn't be enough shit for this month, I got a parking ticket singed by a meter maid, who had said to me not to worry tonight, cause he wasn't about to sign a ticket for my car anyway. So... I of course, took my time while I was up in my apartment getting some money to pay with. But I promise you, it didn't even take 10min before I was down at my car again, but guess what I saw.... A FUCKING TICKET!

Oh Holy Night...

Okay, I might be crazy, but this cold weather outside my window makes me think of x-mas for real... So I couldn't help myself youtubing some x-mas songs... I think I have a new favorite when it comes to this song - Charlotte Church, and the runner up would be Celine Dion I think!

I hate those days...

I haven't been sleeping that good tonight, I guess I've been thinking too much... But I'm up anyway since two hours back, and even though, I don't seem to have any hungry feeling. I hate those days, when they're shit from the moment you open your eyes and you know that it won't change during the day.


My parents and my grandma along with her oldie are visiting me over the day. They should be here in 1½h and then we're off to town for some shopping and later on something to eat at a great restaurant I hope ;)

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